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baby, remind me

why is it the things that originally attracted us to the one were with change. the reasons we fell in love with them they no longer do or it seems as if they all went MIA after a few months. where do they go? why do they go? or is it just that they simply haven't disappeared but you've reached the what i call dreaded comfort zone? i find that most people in the beginning of course are more willing to compromise then later on in the relationship. your trying to impress the other so you'll do things you don't even necessarily like. to me that's a no go, don't do that. i wish you could look at someone and see say 6 months then 2 years down the road and be able to make your judgements then.
i fell in love with the nights on the beach under the stars and moon. the way he was always all over me and promised it would never change. the way he held my hand and never let go, no matter where we were or who was around. theres a million things, i could go on for days. but it almost seems as if the things i fell in love with have gone to the curb side not all of them just a few but its the little things that are the most important. how does this happen? guys if you don't like the beach don't take your girl in the beginning if your never gonna do it again. if your not the lovey dovey type then don't be that way in the beginning. you guys need to start being real!! i think more then girls you need to stop doing what every girl wants and just be you. so that way later on down the road when you've reached that comfortable stage its not a bad thing. that way when shes expecting to go sit and for walks on the beach at night because that's what you did in the beginning she doesn't get let down because all of a sudden you hate the beach and don't plan on ever doing that again. don't waste our time with stuff that isn't going to last. or on a different note you could always just learn to compromise and do it only for the simple fact that it makes her happy and that in return makes you happy.

never let a day go by that you don't remind your love how you feel and why your with them. find those butterflies and re-create those nights that drew you together.

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