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So tonight is one of those nights I've come accustom to lately. not to exciting, lounging around in some leggings and over sized t-shirt. sexy right? haha. So I've been on this Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey kick the past few days. It's not abnormal for me, seeings how I've been there BIGGEST fans since they first appeared on Newlyweds, what like 6 years ago?! I have a few opinions on this, first i would like to blame Jessica for making me think i could act like her and life would be grand. However i guess i didn't have to "act" because for the most part the whole "housewife" thing, yea well i knew nothing about it. Being spoiled and taken care of my whole life, not having to do laundry, dishes, clean hardly anything I too was "not so smart". Thank God Travis still loved me through it and we ended up doing pretty much everything together. Which was nice in the end. Second I would like to blame Nick for making me think every man is like him when it comes to surprises and being romantic and still masculine. NOT SO. I never walked in to a surprise dinner, with flowers or music playing. I never walked in to rose petals and candles. Nope! Never! Thanks a lot Nick for creating in my head something that was never going to happen which meant i was doomed from the get go. Third, Even tho they lasted 3 years and we only lasted 2, only in a few ways can i relate. Obviously it was her decision, as was mine. He was what i believed her first "real" love, as was mine. little things, but then when i listen to there albums after they split, they literally could be mine and travis' soundtracks as well. its kinda scary how real and perfect they fit. Now this is just a side note. I'm not quite sure if it's just because it's what i was and i guess still to a point am use to, or if theres more behind it. But anytime i think of spending my life with someone it's still you....

I feel as if Nick's entire album could have been taken straight from Travis' journal... :( 

it's the only video i could find but the song is my heart <3 

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