Conscious: fully aware of or sensitive to something
Confidence: belief in ones self, ones powers and abilities.
So I was nervous trying to figure out what my first entry should be. This is pretty intense. First impressions
are very important! With that being said let's start with a little
about myself so you can get to know the girl behind the words.
name is Jessica. You can envision a big brown eyed, hair ever changing,
bright smile, and on the shorter side of the 5 foot mark. I am a complete girlie girl. I
am 23 and finding myself these days. I am hardly ever content with life, I'm always looking for more. I usually over analyze and question everything. Reason being I'm trying to find my way in this world and I'm always scared I am going to miss something. That is not necessarily a good thing I know, it often creates stress but hey that's me. In the past few years I have become true to
myself. I am very much the same person with you as I am the next. I
don't see the point in changing for people, you either love me or hate
me. I have found that I love deep, sometimes too deep. Which I'm
definitely getting into in the next few post to come. I am learning to
not be so serious and be more playful. To take one day at a time, to be
in the moment and not always concentrated on the future.That is so
much easier said than done, but like I said I'm working on it.
Ever since I can remember I have had pretty good self esteem. That all has to do with how I was raised, my parents
were always honest but encouraging to me. Yes I had my doubts and
went through my awkward years but who hasn't? In school I was never the
pretty girl, I was never the one with boyfriends. No, I was always just
the one guys came to with there girl problems. To me at that time I
thought my friends must have been prettier than me or skinnier than me.
I never really understood why, and even though I would question it, and
wonder why am not the one he has a crush on, in some way or another I
still had a sense of confidence. Yes I know, that sounds like a bunch
of in-securities but somehow or another it really won't. I like to
think since high school I have made that transition from awkward but pretty into a beautiful young woman. I have come into my own, I now know that I am pretty, I have become the attractive one. I've
learned to love my big brown eyes and know that you don't have to have
blue eyes to be pretty, which is what I always thought. I am getting in shape as we speak, little things that use to bother me no longer do. My flaws for
the most part I have accepted and know that they are what makes me,
well me! Lets face it though, looks are only part of a person. I think when your not the one who's always
been the prettiest you learn to be kind, encouraging, respectful, sweet
and all that is what really makes you a beautiful person. Okay, okay I
know how cliché, but how many people do you know that are extremely
attractive to look at but there personality and attitudes are arrogant
and they pride themselves in there looks alone. Then that makes them what?
Ugly exactly. I think what I'm trying to get at here is my confidence
comes from learning who I am, and knowing what I'm not. I don't try to
be anything but myself. And that just happens to be a good hearted,
sweet, always rooting for the underdog, respectful, kind girl. Now that
I know who I am I don't need someone else's opinions or words to make
me feel good and have confidence in myself. So
enough about me for now let's concentrate on you for a moment.
Are you confident? How
would you describe it? Are you just confident in your
looks? Work? What about love, are you confident in your relationships?
You may have read my title and thought "consciously confident.. That's
an oxymoron." I don't think so. I think its a brilliant way of looking
at life in all aspects. In order to be the best you can be and
successful you have to be confident in yourself, but being conscious of
the fact that your not the greatest thing God created there will always
be someone better. Its being conscious and not letting your confidence turn
into arrogance. I have found that confidence and arrogance easily get
mixed up. I once read this; confident people understand there are
people who are stronger in some aspects of life. They also know they
have weaknesses. Arrogant people yet similar neglect to acknowledge
their weaknesses and instead attempt to play up their strengths. Which
is caused by in-securities. So with a better understanding now, ask
yourself which one are you?
I have found in my whole 23 years
of life that confidence gets you places. You have to have self esteem
and believe in yourself. Because if you don't then no one else will. Its
not about being good at everything. Its about being really good at one
thing. Its not being the prettiest. Its being confident in your flaws
and owning them. That is the key to being found attractive. Confidence
I believe is like smiling, its contagious. People are drawn to
confident people. I mean think about it, would you rather be around
someone who knows who they are, who is confident in their abilities or
be around the person who is always downing themselves, questioning
everything and asking for everyone else's opinions and approval?
Exactly. I guess my point with this blog is to just encourage you to be
confident in your life. But do it consciously! Don't be the cocky know
it all, nobody and I mean nobody likes a know it all. Be proud of who
you are. Figure out why you were created. Find yourself and your place
in this crazy world. That I think is the whole point in life. I can
only speak from my own experiences in my blogs to come but I hope with
each post I can brighten at least one persons day. Make you feel worth
something, because you are. With all your baggage and all your flaws
your still worth something. You deserve to be the best you that you can
be and that you deserves the world!
"Confidence it's what makes a girl sexy!"
"Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong."
"Confidence is freedom."
"I am not a has been, I am a will be."
"Self confidence
is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared out of
your mind. Your perception of yourself has an enormous impact on how
others perceive you."