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it never goes away

The thought of you comes on so strong sometimes its hard to breathe. Its like walking through life with hurricane force winds blowing in your face while your gasping to catch your breath. Some nights I still cry myself to sleep. Others I just wake up from dreaming of your face. I miss you the same as yesterday and the same as tomorrow. I wish each day got easier but it doesn't. I can mask your shadow in my mind if I keep entertained where I'm not allowed to entertain you. But that's never permanent. Your almost like an IV that will forever be connected to me, continually flowing through my veins. Feeling your presence everywhere I go. How am I suppose to ever move on if you still have every ounce of my heart? Yet you fail to know it, or take the time for me to tell you. You write me off like I've never been apart of your world. I wish I could do the same back maybe that's how you gather up all the pieces and just start running. But for me its like running in place. Your thought never goes away.

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